A resident thanks firefighter-first responders
A resident and his spouse thank the firefighters who saved him. From left, Captain Sylvain Bélanger (53-2), firefighter Simon Champagne (10-4), Mr. Tanani and his spouse. Absent when the photo was taken: les pompiers Philippe Caron (53-3) and David Lavigne (53-2).
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal

On May 20, 2014, firefighters-first responders from station 53 were called to respond to a man experiencing a severe allergic reaction resulting in cardiopulmonary arrest. When the firefighters arrived on the scene, the victim's wife performed the intial cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers under the guidance of an emergency medical first responder from the Urgences-santé communications centre. Staff on fire truck 253 then took over until the arrival of Urgences-santé paramedics. The team's efforts resulted in the man regaining consciousness en route to the hospital. Ten days later, on his birthday, Mr. Tanani came to thank the firefighters who helped to resuscitate him.

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