Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal

On May 9, 2015, firefighters from Station 29, Group 2, received a first-response call. According to the information received, an individual was allegedly attempting to commit suicide inside his home. Upon arriving on the scene, firefighters observed a man with a rope in his hand through the door window. Firefighters from truck 229 decided to enter the home and try to speak to the man. For several minutes, they spoke to the man, encouraging him to climb down from the stepladder. Without warning, however, the man pulled on the rope and immediately lost consciousness. Firefighter André Lejeune lunged to his side in order to keep the man in the air. During this time, firefighter Éric Désormeaux cut the rope and the man regained consciousness. Firefighters from Station 29 continued to talk to the man and reassure him. When the paramedic ambulance technicians arrived on the scene, the citizen thanked the firefighters before being taken into the care of Urgences-santé technicians.

“The initiative taken by firefighters André Lejeune (29-2) and Éric Désormeaux (29-2) probably saved the man’s life. The professionalism and cool-headedness they exhibited during this response deserves to be highlighted,” said Captain Carl Truchon (29-2).

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