Change your clocks, change your smoke alarm
On the night of March 9-10, we "Spring Forward" - remember to check the batteries in your smoke alarm when you set your clock forward!


Change your clocks and check your smoke alarms

The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal recommends that you take the opportunity to check your smoke detectors and replace the batteries, if necessary. Prevent deaths and ensure the safety of your household by knowing what to do in case of fire. If you visit a family member, why not volunteer and check the smoke detector batteries. 

This small action can make all the difference. 

The SIM would like to remind you that you are required to have a working smoke detector that is compliant with the city’s fire safety by-law. If you don’t have one, be sure to install one right away. Smoke detectors save lives!


Shared responsibility

Property owners must install smoke detectors on each floor of a housing unit and replace them no later than 10 years following the manufacturing date.

Occupants must ensure the maintenance of smoke detectors and replace the batteries.


To learn more, visit the smoke alarms page.