Smoke alarm.
Time to « fall back » : check the smoke alarm!
We’ll turn the clocks back from November 3 to 4. The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal recommends that you take the opportunity to check your smoke detectors.


Change your clocks and check your smoke alarms

It’s time to fall back! We’ll turn the clocks back to Eastern Standard Time overnight from November 3 to 4. The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal recommends that you take the opportunity to check your smoke detectors and replace the batteries, if necessary.

This small action can make all the difference. To find out how to check your smoke alarm, visit Change your clocks and check your smoke alarms.

The SIM would like to remind you that you are required to have a working smoke detector that is compliant with the city’s fire safety by-law. If you don’t have one, be sure to install one right away. Smoke detectors save lives! To learn more, visit the smoke alarms page.