La mascotte du Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal, Chef

Since 1988, Montréal’s firefighters, in conjunction with Canadian Armed Forces civilian and military staff at the 202 Workshop Depot in Longue-Pointe and assisted by volunteers, have collected donations of gently used toys for Christmas baskets for needy families.

This year, due to pandemic health measures, the traditional Christmas basket drive cannot take place. Montréal’s firefighters are using a social funding platform, La Ruche, to hold a virtual fundraiser (in French). Through December 24, firefighters invite you to give generously. For each dollar you give, Desjardins will match $1, up to $25,000. The funds that are raised will be used to give needy families gift certificates to grocery stores and food stores. 

2020 was marked by the pandemic and a whole host of economic and social difficulties. Thousands of families may need food assistance at Christmas or through the year. Many will be using this service for the very first time. Montréal’s firefighters invite you to give generously.