The Chinese Community in Montréal: Annie Cheung, Brenda Kwan, and Carol Cheung
For more than a decade, Annie Cheung, Brenda Kwan, and Carol Cheung, known as the ABC trio, have been working together as volunteers to make a difference in the Chinese community.
Trio ABC
The trio’s beginnings
Originally from Hong Kong, the members of the ABC trio—Annie, Brenda, and Carol—met in Montréal through their involvement in various non-profits. Annie, the senior volunteer in the group, has been active with several organizations since 1987. Brenda began volunteering in 1995 at the former Chinese hospital on rue Saint-Denis. She met Annie in 2007 at a community event organized by Annie for women and seniors in the Chinese community. Carol joined the two in 2009 when she met Annie while hosting a show on CINQ-FM, a multilingual community radio station also known as Radio Centre-Ville (102.3 FM).
Strength in numbers

Volunteering is central to the three women’s lives, and they are well aware of the importance and positive impact of giving back to the Chinese community—a community that welcomed them with open arms when they first arrived in Canada. Notably, they have created mentoring groups to help new immigrants integrate into the city and achieve a better quality of life. They also advocate on behalf of immigrants on matters such as housing, employment, and rights.
In addition to supporting newcomers, the trio are also very involved in helping women and seniors integrate into community life. Over the years, they have worked together to plan and organize a wide range of multilingual activities, including craft and traditional Chinese painting workshops, computer classes, first aid training, self-defence classes for women, fitness and wellness programs, and events to raise awareness about domestic violence, racism, and disease prevention. Since 2009, they have invited the community to take part in annual fundraising walks for the Alzheimer Society of Montréal and the Breast Cancer Foundation. And during celebrations such as Chinese New Year, the trio visit elderly residents, bringing them gifts and food.
Positive energy

「2010年春节期间,我与一个社区团体参访了一家养老院。一位院友牵着我的手感谢我们。我想我们经常低估了触摸、微笑或聆听能够产生的力量,养老院院友为此会感到少一点孤独。」- 张润玲
「自2006年以来,我一直帮助社区人士参加选举。我帮助了一对在加拿大生活了30年的老年夫妇在联邦选举中首次投票。这对夫妇非常感谢我帮助他们得以行使自己的投票权。那是一个难忘的时刻。」 - 关爱燕
「自2003年以来,我一直为中华医院的同事们拍摄各种活动的照片。我与他们聊天、组织游戏、唱歌和做运动。我还帮助准备了各种庆祝活动的礼物和饭菜。」- 张丽媚
La traduction en chinois simplifié a été faite par Serena Xiong (熊吟) et révisé par Philippe Liu (刘秦宁).
「2010年春節期間,我與一個社區團體參觀了一家養老院。一位院友牽著我的手感謝我們。我想我們經常低估了觸摸、微笑或一對聆聽的耳朵能夠產生的力量,養老院院友為此會感到少一點孤獨。」- 張潤玲
「自2006年以來,我一直幫助社區人士參加選舉。我幫助了一對在加拿大生活了30年的老年夫婦在聯邦選舉中首次投票。這對夫婦非常感謝我幫助他們得以行使自己的投票權。那是一個刻骨銘心的時刻。」 - 關愛燕
「自2003年以來,我一直為中華醫院的同事們拍攝各種活動的照片。我與他們聊天、組織遊戲、唱歌和做運動。我還幫助準備了各種慶祝活動的禮物和飯菜。」- 張麗媚
Traductrice : Wai Yin Kwok.