After you add an item to a page you can edit the item's attributes.
Note: You must be logged on as a page owner or an authorized user with the appropriate page or item-level privileges.
Navigate to the page that includes the item.
Note: If you do not see the page that you want to work with, you may not have the appropriate page access privileges. See your page group administrator to gain access.
Switch to Edit mode.
beside the item that you want to edit.
Note: To perform actions on
the item, such as hide, move,
copy, expire,
and delete, click
beside the item.
A list of attributes displays for the item. These attributes are associated with the item's item type. Edit the attributes and click OK.
What is an attribute?
What is an item?
Changing an item's author
Changing an item's category
Changing an item's perspectives
Changing an item's display option
Changing an item's expiration period
Changing an item's image
Changing an item's keywords
Changing an item's version control option
Adding an item
Hiding an item in View mode
Moving an item
Copying an item
Expiring an item
Deleting an item