Copying an item

You can create a new item by copying an existing item and editing its attributes. You can make multiple copies of an item and add the copies to various pages.

NoteYou must be logged on as a page owner or an authorized user with the appropriate page or item-level privileges. You must have the appropriate privileges on both the page from which you are copying the item, and the page to which you are copying the item.

To copy an item:

  1. Navigate to the page that includes the item.

    Note: If you do not see the page that you want to work with, you may not have the appropriate page access privileges. See your page group administrator to gain access.

  2. Switch to Edit mode.

  3. Locate the item that you want to copy and click beside the item.

  4. Click Copy.

  5. Select the page to which you want to copy the item, and click Copy Here.

  6. Use the radio buttons to select a new region for the item, and click Copy.

Related topics

Adding an item