A page group administrator has full privileges on the structure, style, and content of a page group and can view, edit, and delete any object in that page group, including page and styles marked private. A page group administrator can also assign page group privileges to other users.
When a page group is created, the user who created the page group is automatically assigned as its administrator. This user can edit the page group to assign a different page group administrator if necessary.
When a page group administrator logs on to a newly created page group, the page group consists of a single page, called the root page. This is the page group's home page. The page group administrator uses the root page as a starting point for setting up the new page group.
Once the page group has been set up, the page group administrator may still be called upon to perform maintenance tasks such as purging the system, and so on.
A page group administrator cannot create new page groups or usersthese are tasks performed by the portal administrator.