Page group administrator checklist

The following list describes the tasks that a page group administrator typically needs to perform when setting up a new page group:

Assign privileges on the page group to enable other users to perform some of the administrative tasks.

Create one or more styles to determine the colors and fonts used by the pages in the page group.


Create one or more navigation pages to provide a standard navigation model across all the pages in a page group.


Create one or more page templates to enforce a standard look across all the pages in the page group.


Create categories to determine the classification of the content in the page group.


Create perspectives to determine the classification of the content in the page group.


Create attributes to support the items and pages that will be included in the page group.


Create custom item types to support the items that will be included in the page group.


Create custom page types to support the pages that will be included in the page group.


Establish page group wide properties such as the amount of space to allocate to uploaded files, the a default style, navigation page, and page template, and what type of content contributors can add to pages in the page group.


Create one or more pages to determine the page group's structure and assign privileges on those pages.


Customize the page group home page
