Attributes store information about items and pages. You can create your own attributes to extend the functionality of custom item types and custom page types.
Note: You must be the page group administrator, the portal administrator, or have Manage privileges on All Page Groups to create an attribute.
In the Navigator, click the Page Groups tab.
Navigate to the following path:
Path: Page Groups > PageGroupDisplayName > Custom Types
where PageGroupDisplayName is the page group in which you want to create the attribute.
Note: If you want to share this attribute across multiple page groups, create it in the Shared Objects page group.
In the Attributes row, click Create.
In the Name field, enter a name for the attribute. The name is used internally only.
Note: The name must be unique within the page group and the Shared Objects page group, is limited to 60 characters, and can contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and the underscore character (_); no spaces or other special characters.
In the Display Name field, enter a descriptive name for the attribute. The display name is used in the Navigator and is also displayed as a label for the attribute when users add or edit an item or page of a type that includes the attribute.
Note: The display name is limited to 60 characters, and can contain any character, including spaces.
In the Datatype list, choose the type of data that the attribute stores.
Boolean stores a value of TRUE or FALSE.
Date stores a date value in the format DD-MON-YYYY HH12:MI PM. For example, 20-SEP-2002 10:57 AM.
File stores a file, such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or an HTML document.
Number stores a numeric value. For example, 8479
PL/SQL stores PL/SQL code. For example, htp.print('Hello World!');
Text stores text. For example, weights
URL stores the URL of an external Web site or Web page. For example,
Click Create.
A message is displayed at the top of the page to confirm that the attribute has been created.
You can now either click the attribute link in the confirmation message to further define your new attribute, create additional attributes, or click Close to return to the Navigator.
Changing an attribute's display properties
Changing the attributes displayed in a region
Deleting an attribute
Adding attributes to a custom item type
Adding attributes to a custom page type