You can add attributes to your custom item types to store additional information about items or to pass information to procedures.
Note: You must be the page group administrator, the portal administrator, or have Manage privileges on All Page Groups to add attributes to a custom item type.
In the Navigator, click the Page Groups tab.
Navigate to the following path:
Path: Page Groups > PageGroupDisplayName > Custom Types > Item Types
where PageGroupDisplayName is the page group in which the custom item type was created.
Note: If the custom item type is shared, it will be in the Shared Objects page group.
In the row for the custom item type that you want to edit, click Edit.
Click the Attributes tab.
In the Available Attributes list, select the attributes that
you want to add to the custom item type, and click
to move them to the Selected Attributes list.
You must create an attribute before you can add it to a custom item type.
to determine the order in which the attributes are displayed when
users create or edit an item of this type.
To remove attributes from the custom item type, select them in the Selected
Attributes list and click .
Click Apply to add the attributes to the custom item type and display them in the Attribute Properties section.
For each attribute:
In the Default Value field, enter the value to give to the attribute if users do not specify their own value when they add an item of this type.
The attribute's default value is used for all items created of this item type. You can allow users to modify this value by including the attribute in the add and edit item wizards. If you do not want to provide a default value, leave this field blank.
You can use the variable #SYSDATE as the default value for attributes based on a date datatype. This defaults to the creation date of the item. You can use the variable #USER as the default value for attributes based on a text datatype. This defaults to the currently logged in user. These variables can be used only for default values, not for the actual value of date or text fields.
Select the Required check
box if users must enter a value for this attribute. Attributes which
are required will be displayed with the required icon .
Select whether the attribute should be included on the add and edit item wizards for this item type.
Click OK.
You can not add attributes to base item types.
If you include a custom attribute in an item type, and the attribute includes important information that you want users to see immediately, you should display the attribute in regions on the page. This displays the attribute in place next to the item.
What is an item?
Creating an attribute
Creating a custom item type
Changing a custom item type's basic properties
Adding procedure calls to a custom item type
Deleting a custom item type
Choosing the item types available in a page group
Changing the attributes displayed in a region