In addition to adding and editing items, you can also move items to another page or to another region on the same page.
You must be logged on as a page owner or as an authorized user with the appropriate page or item-level privileges.
If you are moving an item to another page, you must have these privileges on both the page you are moving the item from and the page you are moving the item to.
Regions are either item regions or portlet regions. You can not move items to a portlet region.
Navigate to the page that includes the item.
Note: If you do not see the page that you want to work with, you may not have the appropriate page access privileges. See your page group administrator to gain access.
Switch to Edit mode.
Locate the item that you want to move and click
beside the item.
Choose whether to move the item to another page or to another region on the same page.
If you choose to move the item to another page, select the page to which you want to move the item, and click Move Here. Click Move to move the item.
If you choose to move the item to another region on the same page, select the region to which you want to move the item, and click Move.
Any sub-items associated with the item being moved are also moved to the new location.