The Author attribute allows users to specify an author for their items. If an item's item type includes the Author attribute, you can change the item's author.
Note: You must be logged on as a page owner or an authorized user with the appropriate page or item-level privileges.
Navigate to the page that includes the item.
Note: If you do not see the page that you want to work with, you may not have the appropriate page access privileges. See your page group administrator to gain access.
Switch to Edit mode.
beside the item that includes the author that you want to change.
Change the name in the Author field. This name is used for reference only and therefore does not have to be a valid database user name.
Click OK.
The author you assign to the item does not necessarily have the
appropriate manage privileges for the item unless the page owner
grants the user these access privileges.
What is an item?
What are item types?
What is an attribute?
Granting access privileges to your page
Granting access privileges to your item