Adding your personal page to a page

You can easily access your personal page right from your home page—or from any page, as long as you have the authority to add a portlet to that page.

NoteTo add your personal page to page, you must have at least one of the following privileges:

If you have at least Add-Only Customize Portlets privileges on a page, you can add your personal page to that page when you customize the page. The personal page portlet will be visible only when you view the page on which you placed the portlet; other users will not be able to see the personal page portlet.

When you add a portlet that is itself a page to a page, significant table nesting occurs in the underlying HTML. If you are using a Netscape browser, serious performance problems can occur when the page is rendered. It is not advisable to nest pages within pages in a Netscape environment.

If you add a page that contains several portlets, performance for the page will most likely be degraded no matter which browser is used.

To add your personal page to a page:

  1. Go to the page to which you want to add your personal page.

  2. Switch to Edit mode.

  3. In the region where you want to add your personal page, click Add Portlets.

  4. Type My Page in the Portlet Repository Search field and click Go.

    Tip: By default, the My Page portlet is located under the Content page of the Portlet Repository.

  5. Click My Page.

    Note: If you do not have a personal page, you will not see the My Page portlet in the portlet repository. Contact your portal administrator if you need a personal page.

    Tip: To see a preview of your personal page before adding it to your page, click Preview next to My Page.

  6. Click OK to return to the page.

  7. Next to your personal page portlet, click .

  8. Click Edit Defaults.

  9. Change the name of the portlet, if desired, in the Display Name field, and click OK to return to the page.

  10. To control which regions are displayed in the portlet, click Customize in the portlet header, then use the Page Regions check boxes.

  11. Select Display Edit Link if you want to be able to switch to edit mode within the portlet itself.

  12. Click OK to return to the page.


Related topics

Adding a list of the pages you own to a page
Adding a page to another page
Creating a personal page