Displaying a page

If you are not logged into the portal, you can only view pages that have been made available to public users. If you are logged in, you can view any page on which you have been granted at least View privileges. When you display a page, you will only see the content that you are authorized to see.

To display a page:

  1. In the Address or Location field of your browser, enter the URL for the page. The URL will look something like the following:


  2. If you do not know the URL of the page, you can access the page in the following way:

    1. In the Navigator, click Contents next to the page group that contains the page that you want to display.

    2. Click Pages.

    3. Click the name of the page, or click Sub-Pages, and then click the name of the page, if the page is a sub-page.

      Note: If you do not see the page that you want to display, you have probably not been granted the appropriate access privileges on the page.

Related Topics

Displaying a page in Edit mode
Controlling access to a page
Granting access privileges to your item
Making a page available to everyone