Listing the pages you can Manage

If you have Manage privileges on one or more pages in a page group, you can easily access them right from your home page, or from any page, as long as you have the authority to add a portlet to that page.

NoteTo add a portlet to a page, you must have at least one of the following privileges:

To add a list of the pages you can manage to a page:

  1. Go to the page with which you want to work.

  2. Switch to Edit mode.

  3. In the region where you want to add the list of pages on which you have Manage privileges, click Add Portlets.

  4. Enter User Managed Pages in the Portlet Repository Search field.

    Tip: By default, the User Managed Pages portlet is located under the Content page of the Portlet Repository.

  5. Click User Managed Pages.

  6. Click OK to return to the page.

  7. In the User Managed Pages portlet's header, click Customize.

  8. Change the name of the portlet, if desired, in the Display Name field. For example, you might want to change the portlet header to My Pages.

  9. In the Number Of Pages field, enter the number of pages you want to display, or leave the field blank to display all the pages on which you have Manage privileges, up to a maximum of 99999.

  10. In the Order By list, choose Display Name to order the pages alphabetically from A to Z, or Creation Date to order them from the most recently created to those created the earliest.

    Note: Even if you order by creation date, the names of the pages will appear in the portlet, rather than the date.

  11. Click OK to return to the page.


Related topics

Adding a page to another page
Adding your personal page to a page
Performing a custom search