A personal page provides an area within Oracle9iAS Portal where authorized users can store and share their own content. Personal pages are located under the Shared Objects page group, and are organized alphabetically by user name.
create a personal page, you must be the portal
In the Services portlet, click Global Settings.
By default, the Services portlet is on the Administer tab of the Builder page.
Make sure you are on the Main tab.
Select Create Personal Pages for New Users.
Click OK.
Each time a new user logs on for the first time, a personal page is automatically created for that user.
Personal pages are automatically created when new users log on for the first time (i.e., when the user record is created for the user), not for users that already exist.
If you create a new user and then edit that user's profile before he or she logs on for the first time, a personal page will not be created when that user logs on for the first time. This is because editing the user's profile creates the user record, so when the user logs in he or she is not considered a new user.
In the Portal User Profile portlet:
In the Name field, enter the name of the user for whom you want to create a personal page.
Tip: If you are not sure of
the name of the user, click
and select from the list provided.
Click Edit.
By default, the Portal User Profile portlet is on the Administer tab of the Builder page.
Make sure you are on the Preferences tab.
Select Create Personal Page.
Note: If you do not see this check box, the user already has a personal page.
Click OK.
Personal pages are accessible from the Navigator in the Shared Objects page group. Any authorized user can drill down into the Personal Pages area of the Shared Objects page group, but they can only view their own personal page, or those personal pages to which they have been granted access.
Personal pages for users with user names that do not begin with an alphabetic character are located under the Others area of Personal Pages.
Personal pages cannot be deleted.
Managing users and groups
Adding your personal page to a page