Managing users and groups

From the administrator's perspective:

To create a user or group, go to the User or Group portlet (located by default on the Administer tab of the Builder page). These portlets access the Oracle Internet Directory (OID), the repository for user credentials and group memberships. The OID is Oracle's Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Server.

After you have created a user or a group, access the Portal User Profile or Portal Group Profile portlet, (located by default on the Administer tab of the Builder page). Through these portlets you can grant preferences and privileges that are specific to Oracle9iAS Portal.

You can change the Directory Information Tree (DIT) node under which new groups are created by setting the Group Creation Base DN global setting to the Distinguished Name (DN) of the node that you want to use. You can also set the scope of groups available for selection (for editing or granting access) by setting the Local Group Search Base DN global setting.

From the user's perspective:

When a user first comes to the portal, they see only the public pages. To see restricted content, they must click the Login link to be authenticated as an authorized user. The Login link takes the user to the Single Sign-On (SSO) Server login page, where they can enter their user name and password.

The SSO Server uses the user name and password to verify the user's identity against the credentials stored in Oracle Internet Directory (OID). If the authentication is successful, the SSO Server creates a session cookie for the user. Oracle9iAS Portal uses the information in the session cookie to query the user's privileges specified in OID.


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What are the different types of user accounts?
What is a portal administrator?
What is a public user?
What is an authorized user?
What users are created by default?
What is the difference between an Oracle database user and a Portal User?