There are three different types of user accounts associated with Oracle Portal:
A Single Sign-On user account accesses applications (including Oracle Portal) with a single user name and password. Once a user has entered his or her Single Sign-On user name and password for one application, he or she can access other applications without having to log in again.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Server Administrators can create Single Sign-On user accounts from the Users portlet on the Administer tab of the Oracle Portal home page.
Note: To access the Administer tab of the Oracle Portal, users must also be portal administrators.
An Oracle Portal user account (also referred to as a user account or user) establishes user details, preferences, and privileges specifically within Oracle Portal.
Oracle Portal user accounts do not have any direct privileges on the database. However, because Oracle Portal pages are displayed by executing procedures in the database, an Oracle Portal user account needs to have execute privileges on those procedures. To do this, each Oracle Portal user account must be associated with an Oracle database schema that has the appropriate privileges to display Oracle Portal pages.
Oracle Portal user accounts are created automatically when a portal administrator first attempts to edit the Portal user settings of a SSO user account, or when a user first attempts to log in to Oracle Portal using his or her SSO account. Portal administrators can edit Oracle Portal user accounts using the Portal User Profile portlet on the Administer tab of the Oracle Portal home page.
An Oracle database user account (schema) stores database objects, applications, and components, and determines a user's database privileges.
Database administrators can create Oracle database schemas using SQL commands or the Schemas portlet on the Administer Database tab of the Oracle Portal home page.
Each Oracle Portal user account must be mapped to a database schema to determine the user's database privileges. To use a database schema for this purpose, identify it by selecting the Use this Schema for Portal Users check box when creating or editing the database schema.
Managing Users and Groups
What is a Single Sign-On Server administrator?
What are the different types of user accounts?
What is a portal administrator?
What is a public user?
What is an authorized user?
What users are created by default?
What is the difference between an Oracle
database user and a Portal User?