What users are created by default?

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When you install Oracle9iAS Portal, several users are created by default. These users are:




Identifies unauthenticated access to the portal. Once a user logs in, the user name changes from PUBLIC to the user name by which the user authenticated themselves.


Database administrator user account.

Identifies the super-user for the portal. In a standard installation, the user name is PORTAL. This user is granted all the global privileges available and is a member of the IASADMINS group, which provides administrative privileges at the Oracle9i Application Server level as well.


Portal administrator user account (administrator without database privileges).

Identifies a privileged portal user account with administrative privileges (excluding those that would allow obtaining higher privileges or performing database operations). This user cannot edit any group or manage privileges on any schema or shared object. This account is intended for an administrator who manages pages and user accounts.

The Oracle9iAS Portal installation process also creates several database schemas. These are:




The schema in which Oracle9iAS Portal is installed.

Contains the portal product database objects and code. The default name for this schema in a standard installation is PORTAL. This schema represents the proxy user account that mod_plsql uses to connect to the database through the credentials provided in the corresponding DAD. To execute Web requested procedures, mod_plsql then uses N-tier authentication to connect to the schema to which the lightweight user accounts are assigned (by default, <Portal_schema>_PUBLIC).


The schema associated with portal users by default to execute the procedures that display Oracle9iAS Portal pages.

In a standard installation, this schema is named PORTAL_PUBLIC. All procedures publicly accessible through the web are granted execute to PUBLIC, which makes them accessible through this schema.


The schema that contains the demo applications shipped with Oracle9iAS Portal.

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