Use the following steps to upload an image map item. An image map is an image with separate areas that users can click to go to different URLs.
must be logged on as a page owner or an authorized user with the
appropriate page or item-level privileges to add items.
Navigate to the page on which you want to add the item.
Note: If you do not see the page that you want to work with, you may not have the appropriate page access privileges. See your page group administrator to gain access.
Switch to Edit mode.
in the region in which you want to add the item.
(the add item icon) does not display next to the region, the region
may be a portlet region (and may contain portlets). In this case, you
cannot add items to this region.
From the Content Item Types list, choose Simple Image Map.
Note: You can also choose the Image item type, or a custom item type based on the Simple Image Map or Image item types. Item types preceded by "Simple" have few attributes. This allows items created based on the item type to be quickly added to a page, and extended with additional attributes, if required. The Image item type includes additional attributes for the image map, so that you can store more details about the image map, if needed.
If an item type does not appear in the list, contact your page group administrator. Your administrator selects which item types to display here.
Click Next.
In the Image field, enter the location of the image that you want to associate with this item. Use the first field to enter or browse for the image on your file system. Alternatively, use the second field to enter the URL of an image, or reuse an image that has already been uploaded to the portal by entering its internal name (not file name) without a path, for example 1645.GIF.
In the Image Map field, enter or paste the entire MAP tag in standard HTTP format (including the <MAP> and </MAP> tags and the image map name).
<MAP NAME="mymap">
SHAPE="rect" COORDS="0,0,100,100" HREF="twolb.htm">
SHAPE="rect" COORDS="100,0,200,100" HREF="fivelb.htm">
SHAPE="rect" COORDS="0,100,100,200" HREF="tenlb.htm">
SHAPE="rect" COORDS="100,100,200,200" HREF="twentylb.htm">
In the Image Map Name field, enter the name of the image map referred to in the HTML code in the Image Map field. This name must be identical to the MAP tag's map name. For example, "mymap".
Click Finish.
What is an item?
What are item types?
Displaying an item property sheet
Adding an item
Editing an item