Search tips

General search tips
Basic search tips
Advanced search tips
Search results tips
Saved searches tips

General search tips

To search for multiple words, separate each word with a space, for example:

weights aerobics

To search for a phrase, enclose the phrase in single quotes, for example:

'weight lifting'


Basic search tips

Basic search finds content that contains the specified words. If you search for weights aerobics, basic search finds content that contains the word weights and the word aerobics.

Advanced search tips

Advanced search offers additional search operators:

In addition, if Oracle Text is installed, advanced search also offers the following search operators:

To search across all Page Groups, move all available page groups to the Selected list. You can also limit your search to one or more specific page groups.

Advanced search offers the following search options:

These lists show only the categories and perspectives relevant to the page groups chosen in the Page Group list. If a single page group is selected, categories and perspectives of that page group and the Shared Objects page group are displayed. If multiple page groups are selected, only categories and perspectives in the Shared Objects page group are displayed.

These lists may not be labeled Perspective and Category if the page group administrator has changed the labels in the Page Group Manager.

Search results tips

Saved searches tips

Related topics

Setting up the search feature
Interpreting search results
Performing a basic search
Performing an advanced search
Using the custom search portlet
Creating a custom search form
Creating a custom search result page
Restricting portal content from a custom search
Setting search criteria for a custom search
Create a portlet that executes a predefined search query
Saving a search
Re-using a saved search
Adding a list of your saved searches to a page
Setting up Oracle Text searching