When you save a search, you save all the search criteria under a single name. This allows you to repeat the search quickly, by choosing the saved search name rather than re-entering the criteria manually.
must be logged in to Portal to save a search.
To save a search:
Perform a basic search, advanced search, or custom search.
On the search results page, click Save Search.
"Save search" is the default text for this link. If the search results page has been customized, the link text may be different, or may not be displayed at all.
Note: Public users do not see this link.
In the Display Name field, enter a name under which to save the search criteria.
Click OK.
The name assigned to this search is displayed in the Saved Searches portlet. To re-submit the search, click the search name.
Note: If you can not see the Saved Searches portlet, add it to a page. If you do not have the privileges to add the Saved Searches portlet to a page, ask your portal administrator to add it for you.
Setting up the search feature
Interpreting search results
Performing a basic search
Performing an advanced search
Using the custom search portlet
Creating a custom search results page
Re-using a saved search
Adding a list of your saved searches to a page
Setting up Oracle Text searching