Performing an advanced search

Use the advanced search portlet to:

To perform an advanced search:

  1. You can access the advanced search in several ways, such as:

  2. Enter the words that you want to search for.

  3. Choose a search operator, i.e. Find results that:

  4. In the Search In field select one or more Page Groups in which to search.

    Note: If this field does not display, the "Edit Defaults" or "Customize" option Show page group selector is not enabled. If this is the case and providing that you do not restrict your search to one or more pages (see below), all page groups are searched.

  5. Select the Page in which you want to search.

    Select Include Sub-pages if you also want to search in pages beneath the page you specified.

    Note: Searches can be restricted to one or more page groups or pages.

  6. From the Perspective and Category lists, choose the perspectives and categories in which you want to search.


  7. You can also restrict your search to specific attributes of pages and items. For example, if you know that the item you want to find contains the word aerobics in its title, or that it was added some time after 10-OCT-99, you can search those particular attributes. The advanced search feature searches for content that matches the search criteria specified at the top of the page and the Filter By search criteria.

    1. Click More Attributes to specify additional attribute search criteria.

    2. In the first field, click to select the attribute name, for example Title or Creation Date.

    3. In the second field, choose the search operator, for example Contains All, Equals or Greater than.

      Note: Equals to, Greater than, and Less than search operators should be used only with numeric and date attributes.

    4. In the third field, enter the words that you want to search for, for example aerobics or 10-OCT-99. You can also enter expressions in this field, including #USER# (for the current user) and #TODAY# (for today's date).

    5. Click More Attributes if you want to specify search criteria for another attribute.

  8. In the Match radio group, click:

  9. Click Search.

The results are displayed on the default Search Results Page. For information on how to specify this page, see Setting up the search feature.


Related topics

Setting up the search feature
Interpreting search results
Performing a basic search
Using the custom search portlet
Saving a search
Re-using a saved search
Adding a list of your saved searches to a page
Setting up Oracle Text searching