Adding category and perspective information to a page
You can display Portal content associated with a category or perspective on a page in several ways.
To list the contents of a category or perspective:
Add a List of Objects item to the page and configure it to list categories or perspectives.
Users can then choose a category or perspective from the list to view the items/pages that belong to that category or perspective.
Group items in a region by category and then display the group by banner.
Users can then click the category name in the group by banner, to display all the items that belong to that category.
Display perspectives information next to items in a region.
Users can then click the perspective name or icon to display all the items that belong to that perspective.
Add an Advanced Search link (a Portal Smart Link item) or portlet to the page.
Users can then use the advanced search form to search a particular category or perspective.
Add a Custom Search portlet to a page and then set it up to automatically execute a search query for a particular category or perspective.
Users can view the content of the selected category or perspective.
What is a category?
Editing categories
Deleting categories
What is a perspective?
Creating perspectives
Editing perspectives
Deleting perspectives
Displaying for perspectives
Displaying links for perspectives