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Expo 67: Roger Nolan Bikes from Ohio to Montréal

03 août 2017

In the summer of 1967, an American thirteen-year-old named Roger Nolan wanted to go to Expo. With his parents’ permission, he rode his bike all the way from Ohio to Montréal! In this video, Nolan looks back on his unbelievable adventure.

In 1967, Roger Nolan was thirteen years old and obsessed with Expo. He would have given anything to visit the world’s fair. The one hitch was that he lived in Ohio. So Roger came up with an improbable scheme: he would ride his bike to Montréal! Even though he was only thirteen, his parents agreed to let him go—on the condition that he phone home every night. 

Roger hopped on his bike and began a series of adventures that would lead him to Expo 67. And while he truly discovered the whole world once he arrived, travelling there was also an epic journey full of adventures and experiences he has never forgotten. In this video, Roger Nolan tells the incredible story of the trip he took in the summer of 1967.

Roger Nolan : de l'Ohio à Expo 67 à bicyclette

Roger Nolan : de l'Ohio à Expo 67 à bicyclette

Témoignage de Roger Nolan, jeune Américain de 13 ans à l’été 1967, qui s’est rendu à Montréal à bicyclette, depuis l’Ohio, pour visiter l’Expo.

L’entrevue a été réalisée dans le cadre de l’exposition Explosion 67. Terre des jeunes, présentée au Centre d’histoire de Montréal du 16 juin 2017 au 2 septembre 2018. 

Réalisation : 
Antonio Pierre de Almeida, Centre d’histoire de Montréal