City of Montréal invests in Montréal’s entrepreneurship projects

City of Montréal invests $125,000 to develop five entrepreneurship projects in Montréal.

The five selected projects are as follows:

  • Kluva Chic Évènement: promote and support the development of entrepreneurship among immigrant youth, ages 19 to 40, and cultural communities through the organization of an event.
  • Fondation Montréal Inc.: increase the number of young women who move from idea to action in entrepreneurship and from start-up to growth.
  • Familia, Produire un Monde Meilleur: foster talent recruitment by running the Portes Ouvertes Startup 2018 event in Montréal.
  • Antenne Créative: Boosting local creative potential and showcasing Montréal’s expertise by organizing an international event market named HUB Montréal.
  • Mode Avant Première: organization of the 10th Fashion Preview to reinforce the brand image of Quebec fashion and position the local industry in a global context.

This investment is an initiative of the City’s Economic Development Strategy 2018-2022 and Entrepreneurship Action Plan.

Ville de Montréal

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