What are shared database portlets?

To create or use a shared database portlet, you must have at least one of the following privileges:

By default , all members of the PORTAL_DEVELOPERS or DBA groups have these privileges.

Shared database portlets are building blocks that you can use to build Oracle Portal providers.

Shared database portlet



Perform field- and form-level validation of entry fields in database portlets that comprise a provider.

User interface template

Control the look and feel of the Web page on which a provider's database portlets display.

Color definition

Identify the colors used in database portlet backgrounds and other provider elements such as report headings and chart bars.

Image definition

Identify the image files used in a provider.

Font definition

Identify the font faces for text that appears in a provider.

Multiple Portal Developers can reuse a single shared database portlet. Shared database portlets are sharable across providers. You can use them in any provider in which you have privileges to build a database portlet.

System Shared database portlets

Oracle Portal includes a default set of shared database portlets during installation. You can identify these in the Navigator by the System type.

Shared database portlets created by other Oracle Portal Developers are identified by the User database portlet type. You can edit, export, and delete a User type shared database portlet, but not a System type.

To search for shared database portlets:

  1. Click on the navigation shortcut bar.

  2. Click the Provider tab in the Oracle Portal Navigator.

  3. Click Path: providers.

  4. Scroll down the Name column and click Shared database portlets. The Name column updates with the types of shared database portlets you have privileges to view, for example Colors, Fonts, Images, JavaScripts, or User Interface Templates.

  5. In the Name column, click a shared database portlet type. The Name column updates with all shared database portlets of that type. The Actions column indicates the actions you can perform on the shared database portlet, either Edit, Delete, or Export.

Related topics

What are shared database portlet access privileges?
Finding shared database portlets