A color definition is an association between a color name and its hexadecimal value. You associate a color value in the form #XXXXXX where X is a value in the range 0-9 or A-F with any name you choose. The color names you define are used in fonts, page backgrounds, and other elements of Oracle Portal database portlets.
must have Create or higher shared database portlet
access privileges to create a color definition.
You must have Manage shared database portlet access privileges to edit a color definition.
To create a color definition:
In the Oracle Portal Navigator, navigate to the list of colors.
Click Create>, then Colors.
In the Color Name field, enter the name you want to give to the color. You can identify a color by any name you choose; for example, My_Blue_Color.
In the Color Value field, enter the hexadecimal value for the color, for example, #99FFFF for a shade of light green. Hexadecimal values must be prefaced by the # character.
Note Click a color in the palette to automatically enter its hexadecimal value in the Color Value field.
(optional) To preview a color value, click the Preview button. A page displays the color, as shown below.
Click Create. If you have Manage shared database portlet access privileges, the top of the Create Color page updates with a link for editing the color definition.
(optional) To edit the color definition you just created, click the hypertext link at the top of the Create Color page.
Editing, deleting, and copying shared database portlets