Managing image definitions

An image definition is an association between an image name and the name of the file containing the image. You can specify any image name you choose.

The image file must be located in the /images/ logical directory on the same server where Oracle Portal is located. If you place it in this directory, the image appears as a selection in any image lists displayed in Oracle Portal; for example, in database portlet build wizards and pages for creating UI templates.

You must have Create or higher shared database portlet access privileges to create an image definition.

You must have Manage shared database portlet access privileges to edit an image definition.

To create an image definition:

  1. In the Oracle Portal Navigator, navigate to the list of images.

  2. Click Create>, then Images.

  3. In the Image Name field, enter the name you want to give to the image. You can identify an image by any name you choose, for example, SiteLogo.

  4. In the Image Filename field, enter the name of the file containing the image. Oracle Portal supports the .gif image file format.

    Note To specify a filename, you must first store the image file in the /images/ logical directory.

  5. Choose an image type from the Image Type list, for example, Icon 24X24. The type you choose will display in the Type column of the Oracle Portal Navigator.

  6. Click Create. If you have Manage shared database portlet access privileges, the top of the Create Image page updates with a link for editing the image definition.

  7. (optional) To edit the image definition you just created, click the hypertext link at the top of the Create Image page.

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