A font definition is an association between the name of a font face and any descriptive name you choose to give to it. The fonts you define are used for text that appears in Oracle Portal database portlets.
For example, you could identify an Arial and Courier font as provider1_font and provider2_font respectively. This would identify to your users Arial as the preferred font in provider1 and Courier as the preferred font in provider2.
must have Create or higher shared database portlet
access privileges to create a font definition.
You must have Manage shared database portlet access privileges to edit a font definition.
To create a color definition:
In the Oracle Portal Navigator, navigate to the list of fonts.
Click Create>, then Fonts.
In the Font Name field, enter the name you want to give to the font. You can identify a font by any name you choose; for example, web_banner_font.
In the Font Value field, enter the name of a font, for example, Arial. You can specify any font name supported by a Web browser.
Click Create. If you have Manage shared database portlet access privileges, the top of the Create Font page updates with a link for editing the font definition.
(optional) To edit the font definition you just created, click the hypertext link at the top of the Create Font page.
In order to be displayed by the end users Web browser, the Font Value must match the name of a font supported by the Web browser. If you specify a font that is not supported, the Web browser will display its default font.
You can specify alternate fonts by separating them with commas in the Font Name field; for example, Times New Roman, Times. In this example, if the users Web browser doesn't support Times New Roman, it will display text using the Times font. If the Times font is not supported, the Web browser will display its default font.
Editing, deleting, and copying shared database portlets