Adding and deleting default favorites

In addition to favorites that users create themselves, you can create default favorites that display to all users of the Favorites portlet. Both the user created favorites and the default favorites display in the Favorites portlet.


To add a default favorite:

  1. Navigate to the page that includes the Favorites portlet.

    Note: If you do not see the page that you want to work with, you may not have the appropriate page access privileges. See your page group administrator to gain access.

  2. Click Edit Page to switch to Edit mode.

  3. Click next to the Favorites portlet.

  4. Select Edit Defaults and click OK.

  5. Click Add Or Edit Default Favorites.

    The Navigate Default Favorites page displays.

  6. To add a favorite at the top level, click Create Favorite next to Actions. To add a favorite to a group, click Create Favorite next to the group.

  7. On the Add Default Favorite page, enter a display name for the favorite, the URL to display when you click the favorite's name, and an optional description of the favorite. The description displays only when you edit the favorite.

  8. Click Create.

    If you add a favorite to the top level, the favorite displays when you return to the Navigate Default Favorites page. If you add a favorite to a group, the favorite does not display until you expand the group. The appearance of groups and favorites within the Favorites portlet is determined by the customization options chosen for the portlet.

  9. To return to the page, click Close.

Note: To display the default favorite to users of the Favorites portlet, customize the Favorites portlet and select Display Default Favorites on the Edit Favorites Portlet Settings page.

To delete a default favorite:

  1. Navigate to the page that includes the Favorites portlet.

    Note: If you do not see the page that you want to work with, you may not have the appropriate page access privileges. See your page group administrator to gain access.

  2. Click Edit Page to switch to Edit mode.

  3. Click next to the Favorites portlet.

  4. Select Edit Defaults and click OK.

  5. Click Add Or Edit Default Favorites.

    The Navigate Default Favorites page displays.

  6. Click Delete next to the favorite that you want to delete. A confirmation dialog does not display.

Related topics

What is the Favorites portlet?
What is a favorite group?
Adding and deleting favorite groups
Adding and deleting default favorite groups
Adding and deleting default favorites
Moving favorites between groups