You can easily add data to a page, by creating components and adding them to your page.
add a component to a page, you must have at least one of the
following privileges:
Manage All privileges on the page group to which the page belongs
Manage Content privileges on the page
Manage Content global privileges on All Pages
If you have at least Add-Only Customize Portlets privileges on a page, you can add a component to a page when you customize the page. The component will be visible only when you view the page; other users will not be able to see the component.
To add a component to a page, the component and its provider must be exposed to the portal.
Go to the page with which you want to work.
Switch to Edit mode.
In the region where you want to add the component, click .
If you know the name of the component, enter it in the Portlet Repository Search field. The component is listed in the Portlet Repository under the Portal DB provider to which it belongs.
The location of the provider depends on how the Portlet Repository has been organized. If the Portal DB provider is a fairly new provider, it may be under the New page of the Portlet Repository.
Click the component name.
Tip: To see a preview of the
component before adding it to your page, click
next to the component name.
Click OK to return to the page.