Publishing a database portlet to the portal

Publishing an Oracle Portal database portlet to the portal provides authorized users with the option of displaying the database portlet as a portlet on a page. For example, you could create two database portlets, a report called MY_REPORT and a chart called MYOraclePortalChart, then publish both to the portal.

The database portlet Display Names that were selected when the database portlet was built appear in the selectable list of available Oracle Portal providers portlets, as shown below.

Authorized users who create a new page or customize an existing one can choose database portlets from this list and display them on a page, as shown below.

Adding a database portlet to a portal page involves these steps:

Exposing the provider as a portlet provider:

To expose the provider as a portlet provider, you must have the PUBLISH ALL PROVIDERS global privilege. The provider must be exposed as a portlet provider.

  1. In the Oracle Portal Navigator, navigate to the list of providers.

  2. Scroll to the provider you want to expose as a portlet provider.

  3. In the Actions column for the provider, click Grant Access.

  4. On the Manage tab, select the Expose as Provider checkbox.

  5. Click Apply.

To publish a database portlet to the portal:

To publish the database portlet to the portal, you must have the PUBLISH ALL PORTLETS global privilege.

  1. Follow steps 1-2 above.

  2. Click the name of the provider that contains the database portlet you want to publish to the portal.

  3. In the Name column, scroll to the database portlet you want to publish. Click its name.

  4. The Manage Component page displays.

  5. Click the Access tab.

  6. Select the Publish to Portal checkbox.

  7. Click Apply.

To add the database portlet to a portal page:

To add a portlet to a page, you must:

  1. Click on the navigation shortcut bar.

  2. Click the Pages tab in the Oracle Portal Navigator.

  3. Scroll down the Name column to the type of page on which you want to add the database portlet, for example, My Pages or Top Level Pages.

  4. Scroll down the Name column to the page. In the Actions column, click Edit.

  5. On the Portlets tab, choose Others if you want everyone to see the changes you are about to make, including yourself, or Myself if you want the changes to apply only to your private version of the page.

  6. In the region where you want to add the portlets, click to display the Add Portlets page.

  7. In left pane, select View By Provider to group the available portlets under their providers.

  8. In the left pane, scroll down to the provider that contains the database portlet you want to add.

    Hint To preview a portlet or database portlet before adding it to your page, click the name of the portlet itself.

  9. Click next to the database portlet name. The database portlet name now displays in the Selected database portlets list on the right pane of the page.

    Multiple selects are not supported.

  10. The order of the portlets in Selected Portlets reflects the order in which they will appear on the page, from top to bottom (for portlets displayed in rows) or from left to right (for portlets displayed in columns). To change the order of the portlets, highlight the portlet name and use the arrows along the far right.

  11. Click OK.

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