When you enter search criteria in the Navigator, only the display name (the one that is shown on the Navigator) is compared to the search string. The Find Results page lists only those objects that you are authorized to see.
When you enter your search criteria, wildcards are implicit. Entering J is the same as entering J%; both return all objects beginning with the letter J. Do not enclose multi-word search terms in quotes (i.e., page style, not 'page style'). Also, you cannot search for multiple terms (i.e., page, style) in the same search.
The find function works slightly differently, depending on which tab you're on:
On the Page Group tab, the subsystem is searched. You cannot limit the search to an object type. If you are searching for a page, the search returns every page group object that matches the text in the Find field: pages, templates, styles, and so on.
Wildcards are not valid within the Page Group tab. If you use the percent sign (or an underscore), it is assumed that you want to include those symbols in your search. So, searching for HOME% finds all pages containing the string HOME%.
Single quotes may be included; that is, JAKE'S is supported.
On the Providers tab, web and database providers, components, and
shared components, are searched for the given string. You cannot
limit your search to one of these areas.
user who can see the Navigator can perform a search.
Access the Navigator.
Select the tab to which the type of object belongs.
For example, if you are searching for a navigation bar, click Page Groups.
In the Navigator's Find box, enter the search criteria.
Click Go.
Your search results are displayed on the Find Results page.