17 Montrealers have been awarded the Ordre de Montréal insignia for 2024. Discover them!

Pascal Assathiany


An eternal lover of authors and books, Pascal Assathiany is a prominent figure in the publishing industry in Quebec. A hard-working, visionary and unifying force, he has made a major contribution to the professionalization of the fields of publishing and book distribution, and fostered the emergence and recognition of many outstanding authors. As the founder of Diffusion Dimedia and managing director of Les Éditions du Boréal, he is recognized as a vital personality by all the players on the literary scene.

A native of France, Pascal Assathiany moved to Montréal in 1967. He began his career as a bookseller at Leméac Éditeur, Classic’s and Hachette, and he soon realized the precarious situation of the city’s book distribution system. In 1974, he partnered with Les Éditions du Seuil in Paris to found Diffusion Dimedia in Montréal, which today represents major French and Belgian publishing houses and more than 30 Quebec publishers. 

In 1978, he joined Les Éditions du Boréal, taking over the reins in 1989. Through his intuition and unflagging energy, it has become one of the most visible Quebec publishing houses, as evidenced by its catalogue that is as hefty as it is prestigious. Many gifted writers have published their works under the guiding hand of Boréal, reaching an audience equal to their talent and stirring the hearts of thousands of readers. 

Thanks to the efforts of Pascal Assathiany and his team, such great Montréal writers as Monique Proulx, Gaétan Soucy and Dany Laferrière have made their mark both in Canada and internationally. His translation program, which helped francophone readers rediscover Mordecai Richler, has also revitalized and showcased Montréal’s cultural diversity. 

If the city’s book industry is dynamic today, much of the credit goes to Pascal Assathiany. As founder and president of Diffusion Dimedia, he ensures Montréal-based publishers, including young publishing houses, have visibility across Canada. In turn, his work contributes to enriching Montréal’s cultural life by making numerous prestigious foreign authors accessible to reading audiences here.  

Pascal Assathiany chaired the Association nationale des éditeurs de livres from 1998 to 2000. This organization defends the interests of the entire profession in Quebec and in Canada. A fervent ambassador of words, ideas and Quebec authors, he was behind the enormous success of Quebec publishing and literature at the Salon du livre de Paris in spring 1999. 

Pascal Assathiany was named a Chevalier of the Ordre national du Québec in 2002. A Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres de France since 2000, he was promoted to Officer in 2013.

The picture and biographical information appearing on this page were current at the time this person was admitted to the Ordre de Montréal.