First Canadian University Training Program in Collaborative Robotics for manufacturing

In order to overcome the shortage of manpower in the manufacturing industry, a team of researchers-professors from l’Université de Sherbrooke, l’École de technologie supérieure and l’Université Laval has developed a new training program for graduate students interested in the field of robotics.

This interdisciplinary program, named Enabling Technologies for Collaborative Robotics in Manufacturing (CoRoM), which received a $ 3.5 million grant, is aimed at:

  • training highly qualified professionals in collaborative robotics for the manufacturing industry;
  • promote the growth of women’s representation in robotics and applied engineering;
  • create a synergy between research, training and community interactions.

Master and PhD students will have access to a unique interdisciplinary training including industrial internships, a unique opportunity to dynamically shape their future career.

Université de Sherbrooke

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