Digital Economies of the Future: Montréal ranking first for its foreign direct investment strategy

Montréal crowned first in fDi’s Digital Economies of the Future 2018 ranking for its foreign direct investment strategy. 

The city boasts the highest concentration of digital jobs of all Canadian cities, and over the past decade the sector has grown twice as fast as the wider economy. The ecosystem in the city and innovative business ecosystem contribute to this position. A range of agencies in the city support digital companies, including clusters such as Finance Montréal and TechnoMontréal; Montréal Institute of Learning Algorithms, an AI research organisation worldwide recognized; and Alliance Numérique, a video game business network. The ecosystem in the city incorporates AI, video games, fintech, software and IT services companies, education institutions, research bodies, investment sources and government bodies to enhance and grow the digital sector.

fDi Intelligence

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