Setting up the Oracle9iAS Portal environment

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Setting up the Oracle9iAS Portal environment is a collaborative process between many different users: the DBA, the portal administrator, page group administrators, and so on. The DBA can complete any task within Oracle9iAS Portal, but he or she may delegate certain responsibilities to the portal administrator. Likewise, although the portal administrator can complete any task on any page group, the page group administrator will most likely be responsible for setting up and maintaining a given page group.

If you are the DBA, you must:

Check box

Read the Oracle9iAS Portal Configuration Guide, available on Portal Center, to find out about the post-installation that you may need to perform.

Check box

Set up the Portal DB provider development environment so users can develop Portal DB providers.


If you are the portal administrator, you should:

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Categorize portlets in the Portlet Repository, so users can organize the Portlet Repository by provider or by category


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Create at least one page group


Check box Assign a page group administrator to each page group


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Create users


Check box Optionally, create groups and assign users to them


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Create a page style for your home page(s) that embraces your corporate logo and colors


Check box

Create any necessary pages, such as the default home pages for each group


Check box

Set the system default page style


Check box

Set the system default home page


If you are a page group administrator:

See the page group administrator checklist

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Configuring a DAD

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