Building a Portal DB provider

A provider is a container for a group of related database portlets.

To build a new provider, you must have the CREATE ALL PROVIDERS global privilege.

Note You have this privilege by default if you are a member of the DBA, PORTAL_ADMINISTRATORS, or PORTAL_DEVELOPERS groups.

To build a new provider:

  1. In the Navigator, choose the Providers tab.

  2. Click Create, then the type of provider desired.

  3. In Name, enter an internal name that identifies the provider within Oracle Portal.

  4. In Display Name, enter an external name that identifies the provider to other Oracle Portal users.

  5. In Schema, choose the name of the database schema that will own the provider. The provider and all associated database objects owned by the provider will be stored in this schema.

  6. Click OK. The Manage provider page displays.

  7. (optional) Click the Access tab to grant access privileges to other developers that enable them to build database portlets in the provider.

  8. (optional) If the database objects on which you plan to base your provider are stored in a schema other than the provider schema, you must grant the provider schema access to these objects.


Related topics

Deleting providers
Renaming providers