Specifying a page contact

The page contact is the person for users to contact with questions about the page, and is typically a user with Manage privileges on the page. You can provide the page contact e-mail address, and display that address on the page. For information about how to display the page contact e-mail address on a page, see Adding a Portal Smart Link item.

NoteTo specify a page contact, you must have at least one of the following privileges:

You can only specify a page contact for Standard pages and pages of a custom type based on the Standard page type.

To specify a page contact:

  1. Go to the page on which you want to work.

  2. Switch to Edit mode.

  3. In the toolbar at the top of the page, click Properties.

    Note: Make sure you click the link for the page, not the page group.

    Tip: You can also click Properties next to the page in the Navigator.

  4. Click the Optional tab.

  5. In the Contact E-mail field, enter the e-mail address of the page contact, for example:

  6. Click OK to return to the page.

Related Topics

Specifying a page group contact