The page group contact is the person for users to contact with questions about the page group, and is typically the page group administrator. You can provide the page group contact e-mail address, and display that address on the pages in the page group. For information about how to display the page group contact e-mail address on a page, see Adding a Portal Smart Link item.
specify a page group contact, you must have at least one of the
following privileges:
Manage All privileges on the page group
Manage All global privileges on All Page Groups
In the Navigator, click Properties next to the page group with which you want to work.
In the Contact E-mail field, enter the e-mail address of the page group contact, for example:
Click OK to return to the Navigator.
If you add the Contact smart link to a page that has a designated page contact, the page contact e-mail address is used for the smart link instead of the page group contact e-mail address.