Working with Zip File items

NoteYou must be logged on as a page owner or as an authorized user with the appropriate page or item-level privileges. You must have these privileges on both the page you are working on and the target page where the files are extracted.

When you add an item as a Zip File, you can upload compressed files from your computer to pages in Portal. Users with the appropriate security privileges can upload compressed files of virtually any size or quantity.

Note: Each extracted file in the Zip File is displayed in the page area as an item link. By creating descriptive file names before zipping files to be uploaded, you can provide meaningful link names to guide users to the file.

Zipping files

Uploaded files are accessible through automatically created links in the page area. If you do not upload path information, links for the uploaded pages display in a single page that you specify. If you upload path information, links for each level are displayed in a common page for each level.

Uploading files and path information

Files can be uploaded with or without directory path information.

Using categories and perspectives

You can associate categories and perspectives with any uploaded file. Once associated, both categories and perspectives are retained by uploaded files, even if those files are overwritten with newer files of the same name. However, categories and perspectives are not maintained if item version control is enabled and when the Create New Version option is selected for uploaded files.

Related topics

What is an item?
Adding a zip file to a page