Add an existing provider to a provider group so that, when the provider group is registered with a portal, it is simply a matter of clicking a single link to register the provider with the portal.
add a provider to a provider group, you must have at least Publish
privileges on All Providers.
In the Navigator, click the Providers tab.
Click the provider group to which you want to add the provider.
Click Web Provider next to the text Add New...
Tip: This link appears at the top of the Providers tab.
In the Provider Name field, enter the name of the provider.
In the Display Name field, enter a descriptive name for the provider.
Click Next.
In the Provider Location field, enter the URL of the provider that you want to add to the provider group.
In the Timeout field, enter the number of seconds the portal should attempt to connect to this provider before timing out.
In the Timeout Message field, enter the message to display within the body of the portlet when the portal cannot establish contact with the provider within the number of seconds specified in the Timeout field.
Note: The message may not contain either mobile (mobileXML) or desktop (HTML) markup.
In the Login Frequency list, choose how often to call the provider's initSession method. Choose:
Always if you want call the provider's initSession method every time each user requests one of the provider's portlets.
Once Per User Session if you want to call the provider's initSession method only the first time each user requests one of the provider's portlets.
Never if you do not want to call the provider's initSession method when users request one of the provider's portlets.
Click Next.
If the provider is an external application Web provider:
In the Login Server Address field, enter the URL for the provider's application login page. This will be used with the user name and password to log into the application.
In the User Name Field field, enter the name of the user name field used by the application's standard login page.
In the User Password Field field, enter the name of the password field used by the application's standard login page.
In the Additional Field Name and Additional Field Value fields, enter any additional field names and values required for logging on to the application.
Click Finish.
Registering a provider
Creating a provider group
Creating a Web provider