Your local Oracle9iAS Portal instance is constantly being updated with new portlets, as users publish pages, navigation pages, categories, perspectives, and so on to the portal. Each time a user displays the Add Portlets screens, the list of locally created portlets expands to reflect the newly published objects.
However, if you have just registered or deregistered a remote provider group, you must explicitly refresh the Portlet Repository to bring it up to date. Actions that are automatically reflected in the Portlet Repository without an explicit refresh are:
Registering a provider
Deregistering a provider
Publishing a portlet
Deleting a portlet
If a portlet's display name is changed, refreshing the Portlet Repository will not update the display name. To update the display name you must explicitly refresh the portlet's provider. You can do this from the Providers portlet (which, by default, is located on the Build tab of the Builder page).
When you run the refresh, if a portlet has been deleted that portlet is marked as deleted. A list of portlets marked as deleted is provided in the refresh status page. After verifying the list, you can then purge deleted items from the Portlet Repository page group.
refresh the Portlet Repository, you must have at least one of the
following privileges:
Manage All global privileges on All Page Groups
In the Portlet Repository portlet, click Refresh Portlet Repository.
Note: By default, the Portlet Repository portlet is on the Administer tab of the Builder page.
Tip: There is also a Refresh Portlet Repository link at the top of every page in the Portlet Repository.
A screen displays, confirming that the refresh has started. You can remain on this screen until the refresh finishes, whereupon your browser is redirected to the refresh log.
Alternatively, you can click OK to leave the refresh continuing in the background.
Note: Clicking OK does not cancel the refresh.
To check on the progress of the refresh, click View Portlet Repository Refresh Log in the Portlet Repository portlet.
The refresh log shows the status of the most recent refresh: when and by whom it was started, whether the refresh is still in progress, or if it has finished. If the refresh is finished, the log also includes information about when it finished and whether or not it was successful.
Tip: If the refresh was not successful, click View Details to display a detailed report of what happened during the refresh to investigate what caused the refresh to fail.
Organizing portlets in the Portlet Repository
Controlling access to a portlet