Changing how a page is cached

If you are developing pages that will be accessed frequently, or if you are creating a portal that experiences high traffic, you will probably want to take advantage of Oracle9iAS Portal's page caching ability. For an overview of caching in Portal, see How does caching work in Oracle9iAS Portal?. For a description of the different page caching options, see Page Caching Options.

To change how a page is cached, you must have at least one of the following privileges:

To change how a page is cached:

  1. In the Navigator, click Properties next to the page with which you want to work.

  2. Select a page caching option.

    Note: Caching at the system level places a single copy of the page's structure (or structure and content) in the system cache for all users. Consequently, all page customization options are disabled.

  3. Click OK to return to the Navigator.

Related topics

Creating a page
Editing page properties
Clearing the cache