Building an unstructured UI template

Unstructured templates are based on HTML code that you supply. To create an unstructured UI template, you first write HTML code to create a Web page. If you don't want to create new HTML code, you can also copy code from another source, such as another Web page editor.

To create an unstructured UI template:

  1. In the Oracle Portal Navigator, navigate to the list of User Interface Templates.

  2. Click Create New... User Interface Templates.

  3. Click Unstructured UI Template.

  4. Enter a name for the template in the Template Name field. Because this is the name users will see when applying a UI template to a page or database portlet during the build process, you should make the name as descriptive as possible. For example, if the template will be applied to all database portlets created for a Calendar, you could name it Calendar_Template.

  5. In the Template Definition field, enter the HTML code you want to use as the basis for your unstructured UI template. The HTML code you supply should create a Web page. You can paste HTML source code from another Web page or an editor.

  6. Embed substitution tags in the HTML code in the location where you want the items associated with the tags to appear in the finished template.

    For example, you may want to embed a #BODY# substitution tag to the code. #BODY# adds an Oracle Portal database portlet, such as a chart, to the Web page when the HTML code executes. If the HTML source code divides a page into two frames, you can embed the #BODY# tag in different places in the code, causing the database portlet to display in the left frame or right frame.

    Note: A list of available substitution tags is available in Unstructured user interface template substitution tags.

  7. (Optional) Click Preview to open a new browser window displaying the UI template based on the HTML code you have entered.

    You can update the code then click Preview again to see the new appearance of the UI template.

  8. When you are satisfied with your template, click Create on Create Unstructured UI Template page. The page updates with a link for editing the UI Template.

  9. (optional) To edit the UI template you just created, click the hypertext link at the top of the Create Unstructured UI Template page.

Related topics

What is a User Interface template?
Building a structured UI template
Unstructured user interface template substitution tags