Changing a custom page type's basic properties

After creating a custom page type, you can edit its name and display name, and add a description.

You must be the page group administrator, the portal administrator, or have Manage privileges on All Page Groups to change a custom page type's basic properties.

To change a custom page type's basic properties:

  1. In the Navigator, click the Page Groups tab.

  2. Navigate to the following path:

    Path: Page Groups > PageGroupDisplayName > Custom Types > Page Types

    where PageGroupDisplayName is the page group in which the custom page type was created.

    Note: If the custom page type is shared, it will be in the Shared Objects page group.

  3. In the row for the custom page type that you want to edit, click Edit.

  4. In the Name field, edit the name of the custom page type. The name is used internally only.

    Note: The name must be unique within the page group, is limited to 30 characters, and can contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and the underscore character (_); no spaces or special characters.

  5. In the Display Name field, edit the descriptive name of the custom page type. The display name is used in the Navigator and in the Page Wizard Page Type list, so shorter display names are better.

    Note: The display name is limited to 60 characters, and can contain any character, including spaces.

  6. In the Description field, enter information about the custom page type that may be useful to others, such as its arguments, functionality, or usage.

    Note: The description is displayed only when editing the custom page type.

  7. Click OK.


Related topics

What are page types?
Creating a custom page type
Adding attributes to a custom page type
Adding procedure calls to a custom page type
Deleting a custom page type
Choosing the page types available in a page group