Passing values to portlet parameters

Portlet parameters are used to pass values to portlets. This means that the information displayed within a portlet can be specific to a particular page or user. A portlet's parameters are specified in the provider.xml file. For information about how to add parameters to your portlets, see the Portal Developer Kit on Oracle Technology Network.

NoteTo pass values to portlet parameters, you must have at least one of the following privileges:

You can pass values to portlet parameters only on Standard or Mobile pages or pages of a custom type based on the Standard page type.

To pass values to portlet parameters:

  1. In the Navigator, click Properties next to the page with which you want to work.

  2. Click the Parameters tab.

    Tip: If you cannot see the Parameters tab, the parameters and events page group setting has not been enabled.

  3. The Portlet Parameter Values section lists the portlets that are included on the page and indicates whether those portlets have any parameters.

    Click the name of the portlet to whose parameters you want to pass values to show the parameters.

    Note: If a portlet does not have any parameters, you cannot expand it in the list.

    Tip: If you want to show the parameters for all the portlets on the page, click Expand All.

  4. For each portlet parameter:

    1. In the value type list choose:

      • Null if you do not want to provide a value for the portlet parameter.

      • Page Parameter to pass the value of one of the page parameters to the portlet parameter.

      • System Variable to pass the value of a system variable to the portlet parameter.

      • Constant to pass a specific value to the portlet parameter.

    2. In the value field or list:

      • If you are using Internet Explorer: Choose the page parameter or system variable whose value you want to pass to the portlet parameter, or enter the constant value.

      • If you are using Netscape Navigator: Enter the name of the page parameter or system variable whose value you want to pass to the portlet parameter, or enter the constant value. If you are not sure of the name of the page parameter or system variable, click and select one from the list provided.

  5. Click OK to return to the Navigator.

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